
This time it's things that

This time it’s things that start with a P. Private. Personal. Public. Pain. Pleasure. Publish.(Riffing on King Crimson’s song Elephant Talk)

“You should write more personal things,” Karen said.

That statement taps into a huge reservoir of conflict I’ve been swimming through the past couple of weeks. I’ve been disappointed by the pabulum plodding it’s way through my blog. I was happy with the PLO story. For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to heal people, and I had hoped my humorous vignette with it’s bigger lesson about the fate of fanatics would provide a palliative for people’s pain. Still it didn’t go as far as it could have to uncover personal things.

When contemplating the intricacies of human interaction the Johari Window provides a great deal of insight. Increasing the size of the open pane is what I had really hoped to do with this site. Try as I might though I can’t seem to find the courage to push the parts of me that are hidden from others to the forefront. The best I’ve been able to do is offer up some sort of encrypted version of myself in my ponderings about my role in the universe. Perhaps this points to a deeper problem of not truly knowing myself. Polonius would not be happy. :) As he said to Hamlet “to thine ownself be true.”