
Today was my first day

Today was my first day with corporate email and I already had 47 emails waiting for me. They all had to do with one message from Travis. Travis was looking for someone named Matt so he sent an email to all 194 Matt’s in the company across the nation:

A customer named Jacklyn ahem @ [some number] says that you have not returned her phone call and would like for you to do that as soon as possible. The only info she had was Matt and the extension 4194

Within minutes Matts were responding:

Oh sure immediately jump to the conclusion that it’s one of us. [] Perhaps we should start a find the Matt at ext 4194 contest [] We should start a “Find the Matt” fund, please send $1.00 to me, and you can wear jeans on friday…

The discussion went political as Matts united in brotherhood:

In response to our responses, I am thinking of having a Million Matt March in D.C. how about it? Let the Matt’s unite! Fight the power. [] Okay, which one of you people sang like a bird and told my name was Matt I have been working under the alias of “Hey” for some time now. [] Just think….all of us will always remember what we were doing on November 1st, 2001. Washington D.C. is too dangerous for that Million Matt March. Let’s have it right here in the good ole Lone Star state? Whaddya say ya’ll?

As is the way with all causes some went turncoat:

You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, but don’t be calling me Matt anymore!

Eventually the kooks and nostalgia started in:

Just think we can all tell our sons Matt and grandsons Matthew about this day. The Witch hunt for Matt 4194 [] Did you know that…….there are approximately 194 Matts at Cingular??? [] 194 Matts … ext 4194 … coincidence …. I think not!!

Some comments brought in corporate dogma:

We are “expressing” ourselves, that’s what “we have to say”.

At the end of the day the Matt’s were happy and Travis was made an honorary Matt:

I would just like to say that this has to be one of the most interesting and humorous things that I have seen happen at this company! [] I think we need to take a vote on making Travis an honorary Matt. [] All in favor say “Matt”….I count 194