
Tonight I made the 650

Tonight I made the 650 mile or so trek from Huntspatch to Dallas, Texas and was privileged to see Honchie perform at Club Dada. I think a definite highlight of the show had to be their version of the Knight Rider theme song, complete with a DJ in the background adding scratches. Although the lead guitarist, James Pafford, made the night special during the “Potato in my pocket” song by shouting out my name during the song’s chorus. I’m sure you know the song it has a line like: “Are you the reason, or aren’t you the reason I woke up with a potato in my pocket.” They were to perform from 10pm to 2am. Dave and I left around 12:45am so I hope they made it. They had a couple of great spontaneous songs. At one point a bicycle cop came into the club and they took off into a song about him performing his duties and catching bad people and upholding the law. He left while they were still singing it though. Then they had a couple more really fun songs that they sang to people on their way out which appeared to be put together on the spot. They are very talented. Of course, their drummer seems to like Neil Peart so maybe I’m biased.