
Well last night I met

Well last night I met Erica. She came over to Dave’s place to help Mark dye his hair purple. She now has the unique distinction of being the first person I’ve ever met through the blog community. As always, whenever I meet new people, I was slightly aloof while I sized her up. Even though I had been reading her blog for a few weeks and had heard things from Mark about her I still really knew nothing about what kind of person she is in person.

After Mark’s plunge into the world of purple hair I had the opportunity to pepper Erica with questions. She sat on Dave’s couch while Mark’s hair baked. I was surprised by how easily she relaxed. I asked her how she got into blogging and generally how she had gotten to this point in her life. My interrogation must have worn her down because after a little bit she laid down on the couch. As I related anecdotes from my past I was surprised by how un-self-conscious I was. I told them without fear of judgement. (Why is it that sometimes I feel like certain people judge everything I say?) While I spoke her eyes seem to narrow and focus, it felt as though she was carefully listening.

After the evening came to an end I was struck but just how much I had enjoyed being with Dave, Mark and Erica. It’s rare that I meet people who aren’t just sleep-walking through life.

Little do they all know that I used secret Communist brain-washing techniques and turned them all into Manchurian Candidates!