
When will Christians stand up and say these people aren't Christians?

Salon has an excellent article about George Bush’s war on nature, it’s religious underpinnings, and then jumps from Sumer to Stalin to point out what happens when you ignore eco science. The first page is a bit dull, stuff we’ve seen a hundred times. Stick with it though It’s a fascinating read. I grabbed a few zingers from the part about conservative Christian leadership:

[During Kyoto Protocol climate change negotations] Then John Schiller (Ford Motor Co. executive) drops the bomb: “The earth, he says, is just 10,000 years old – not 4.5 billion years old…You know, the more I look, the more it is just as it says in the Bible.” The Book of Daniel, he tells Leggett, predicts that increased earthly devastation will mark the End Time and return of Christ.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has bluntly said that the Almighty is using him to promote “a biblical worldview” in American politics, according to Paul Krugman in the New York Times.

“When we win this revolution in November, you’ll be doing the Lord’s work, and He will richly bless you for it!” Inhofe declared at the Christian Coalition’s Road to Victory Conference last October.

W. David Hager [Bush’s nominee to the FDA panel on women’s health policy] emphasizes the restorative power of Jesus Christ in one’s life and recommends specific Scripture readings to treat headaches, eating disorders and premenstrual syndrome.

Last spring, two Republican congressmen from Ohio, John Boehner and Steve Chabot, pressured their state’s school board unsuccessfully to introduce creationism, disguised as “intelligent design,” into school curricula.

Tom DeLay has suggested that the Columbine, Colo., school shootings occurred “because our school systems teach our children that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some primordial mud.”