
Wonderlost #1

I picked up C.B. Cebulski’s Wonderlost and I hope he puts out more issues and everyone buys one. In the first issue he tells six stories, each illustrated by someone different, about teenage love, relationships on the cusp between friends and lovers, and the moments after it all falls apart.

He writes with an authenticity that brings filmmaker David Gordon Green to mind. Although he might capture a bit more of life’s humor than DGG. The stories are tight. The dialogue, narration and paneling don’t have any wasted effort. Perhaps what impresses me most is I’m so caught up with the characters I don’t have any time to go second guessing their behavior when they make bad decisions. I saw my own choices in life echoed in Wonderlost’s characters. Sometimes that was a punch to the gut and sometimes it made me smile and get all nostalgic.

It’s also the only comic book I’ve read that comes with a mix CD track list at the end.

You can read one of the stories, Make Up, online. Here are pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 .