
Yesterday at 14:56 the following

Yesterday at 14:56 the following words showed up in my email:

Wow, thanks for the comments. I am glad you remembered the film after all
this time. I will keep you posted on upcoming stuff and the DVD release.

Mark O

That is THE Mark Osborne who made the brilliant and wonderful short More. I had gone to and registered my interest to buy a DVD of it when it is published. When I registered my interest I blurted something like “I saw More in 1999 at the Boston Science Museum and it exceeded all my expectations for a short film and has set the bar for short films since.”

I emailed him back incredulous. It turns out he spends most of his time with his two kids. His feature film Dropping Out hasn’t found a distributor. Apparently he’s started working on another feature. I remember when “More” came out and was robbed of its Oscar I had hoped this was just the beginning for someone with such great talent. Then I saw that he had a feature film that would be at Sundance. Sadly that’s where his story seems to have been put on hold.

Another great short film director I’ve been hoping for big things from is Piet Kroon who made the wonderful T.R.A.N.S.I.T. (for you Memento fans it also has a clever fractured timeline). Since then he went on to direct the animated sequences in Osmosis Jones as well as being a story artist on The Iron Giant. I hope that we see more work from these folks in the future. Things don’t look good though for this year though, 2002 will be the year of the big-budget sequels.

If you are like me and you want “More” now. A copy of “More” is on the Short 7: Utopia DVD. Even though I own Short 7 I’ll still pick up the new “More” DVD when it comes out to more directly support the artist who made it.